Made by Jarell Kearney (squizard_of_oz) for the EGADS! High Score Jam

----------------HOW TO PLAY----------------

1. Shoot a switch bullet through the glass at the other robot to take control of it. (Shift, O, or Z)

2. Pick up items and deposit them while in the lavender area before the timer on the order runs out. (Enter, CapsLock, P, or X)

3. Score as high as you can while fulfilling orders. 

Move Left and Right: (A and D) or (Arrows)

Jump: (Space) or (W) or (Up Arrow)

Deposit Items While Standing In Area: ( Enter) or (CapsLock) or (P) or (X)

Shoot Switch Bullet: (Shift) or (O) or (Z)

Collect items around the warehouse and deliver them to the pink terminal to score points. Shoot at the other robot with a switch bullet to take control of it and access items on the other side . But if you fail to fulfill an order 3 times, you'll lose.
Use both robots to score as high as you can. Share your high scores in the comments.

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